I did a little poll on my side bar asking my readers about workout challenges.
The winner? So glad you asked…I don't have time.
Is that really true? When I examined my day I found plenty of time. (there is a good chance that you are busier than me...it might really be harder for you to find the time)
That extra hour of sleep in the morning. I adore my sleep. Don’t you?
The hours watching Veronica Mars on Netflix. (awesome show...just saying)
You get my drift?
You have to take the time to make the time. <----- Swiped that one from my boss.
After an 8-hour work day, chasing children, playing taxi, who knows how many hours spent in the kitchen, all the time it takes to do all those things that need to be done...don't we deserve some leisurely web browsing?
Yes. The trick here is balance.
We must work and we must play. However, we must workout in order to be healthy.
If you are pressed for time and don't want to give up the me time that is rightfully yours, try some of the following:
A. I love to slowly devour Real Simple magazine. It is my FAVORITE magazine. It arrived yesterday so this morning I got up 30 minutes early and took my beloved Real Simple to the gym with me. I hopped on a stationary bike and read away! Small sacrifice...but tonight I will be chillin' on the couch with Will and/or doing anything else that I want!
B. I am TV fan. I have a few guilty pleasure shows that are pretty good at grabbing and holding my attention. Last night I watched Pretty Little Liars while on the elliptical. Working out is much easier if you can distract yourself and a good TV show is a great way to get caught up and lose track of time.
C. In keeping with the TV theme, I like to exercise at home while watching as well. I have a few small and inexpensive workout accessories that are perfect for the home. Small set of free weights, wrist and leg weights (I love using these while doing house work), resistance bands (most with instructions and sample exercises) and workout ball. There are SO many exercises that can be done mindlessly with this equipment while watching TV.
D. Exercise usually implies workout. This implies the gym, weights, treadmills, and all that other stuff that sucks. This is NOT true. Be active. Play in the back yard with your kiddos for an hour, run on the beach with Fido, find a way to include more walking in your workday (ya know those stairs aren't JUST for emergencies) or shoot some hoops with your pals. I have a friend that is a swimmer. That is the only workout she does and she looks as though she spent hours in the gym. Swimming burns calories and works all the muscle groups. It gets the heart pumping and to my friend it is FUN.
Find the time.
It is there.
I am learning to give a little more time to my goals for a healthier me.
It isn't easy but it is worth it.
Do you have a guilty pleasure TV show or magazine?? Do tell!
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