
Tuesday, September 28, 2010


My name is Kimberly.
I am chubby.
I love food.
I don't really love to exercise.
See my problem?
I have lived the yo-yo life so long. I am so over losing and gaining weight.
I am also over beating my self up over it.

Are you with me?
I am done trying to be a size 2.  I am done being miserable and hungry.
All God's children come in all shapes and sizes.  We are all made differently.
I am accepting this fact and if you are over (or under) weight then you should too.

My goal is to reach and maintain a healthy weight the healthy way.
Changing my lifestyle and doing it because I should.
We get this one body.  Just one.
I need to take better care of mine and that is really what this is about.

On this blog I will discuss what I learn about taking care of my body.
How I have learned to keep my passion for food and learn to love exercise!

This blog is for my own benefit but I hope that by sharing what I am learning and putting myself out there that someone might learn something too.  I am also doing this for feedback.  What works for you?  What kind of exercise do you do?

Anyway, I have wanted to do this for along here goes nothing!


  1. Kim... The mere fact that you care about your health is a HUGE step in a positive direction!! I know you work a lot and spend lots of time with your hubby, which makes it difficult to be motivated to take time out to exercise or go to the gym. I LOATHED the gym up until about February of this year. Now I get upset when I miss my classes. But there are other ways to exercise besides the gym. Things you and Will can do together. Go for walks after your dinners. It helps with food digestion. For me, dinner is my largest meal of the day. We eat normally early (1800). Before we started the gym, we would do walks and played Frisbee. I think for now, focus on taking fast food and foods that are high in fat out of your diet. Switch to diet sodas, or move completely away from them if you can. I found carbonated drinks can cause you to retain water which makes losing weight that much more difficult. But these are just my opinions and experiences. I haven't done any P90x or "Intensity" workouts. To hell with all that noise!! I hate working out! LOL! Exercising is different (in my mind anyway, lol). I can give you lots of tips. I figured this was kind of a start. I think if you go 2 weeks without a soda or fast food, I think you'd notice that you were dropping pounds. And those cleansing things you tried... Those don't really work. I tried those as well. All they did was make me, um, "loose" if you know what I mean. LOL! TMI, probably, but I'm just trying to help. :D

  2. Yay...Excited for you and this blog!

  3. I adore you for this blog! Like I said I will guest post whenever you want me to!

    You are beautiful inside and out, no matter what weight.

    I cannot wait for our little SB Club to be healthy AND happy!

    I love you!

  4. Truly an inspiration to anyone that struggles to be healthy! I will be coming here to pick up ALL the tips!!!

    Love you!
